Performance Oriented Service

Our late founder and Executive Chairman, Hj.Othman Sulong, emphasizes training as an essential factor in the success of his organization. In the early days, everyday before technicians leave for home, Hj. Othman assembles them in conference room to brief them on the “finer points of maintenance and servicing. The daily session has, in a way, improved our professionalism as well as reliability in this competitive line. Hj. Othman used to focus on professionalism as a key to Service Master’s success and one of its major selling points especially in view of the many similar outfits operating in Malaysia.

Service Master (M) Sdn Bhd was incorporated in March 1989 to provide professional maintenance and engineering services to the air-conditioning industry. This Bumiputera Status company was founded by Othman Sulong who, at that time had more than 15 years in this industry in various capacities. He sets out on their enterprise doing what he know best, spurred on by the belief that there is a market niche for a private Bumiputra company to excel in this industry by providing quality service through professional approach and proper and total engineering solutions.

The mission of the company is also to foster Bumiputra participation and entrepreneurship by creating opportunities for Bumiputras at all levels of the business in technical and personal advancement, management skills and business acumen. In line with its philosophy that the calibre of its people is its greatest assets, the company has nurtured its reservoir of human resources to its present strength of 60 experienced and dedicated staff.

To foster its continuing growth, the Company formed a partnership in 1992 with multi-national companies, to have extensive experience and expertise in similar fields. These partnerships provide a mutually beneficial relationship, which from Service Master standpoint, translates to enhanced resources and expertise in technical know-how, management procedures, maintenance work systems and financial support.

Service Master has the vision to stay ahead of its competitors to become a leader in M&E works and services in Malaysia and at the same time it aspires to contribute in setting standards for this industry. In response to the challenges of competition and increasing demands, the company continues to enrich its resources and capabilities to improve its standing in the market place through “effective training”. To this effect, Service Master plans to set up a training school in line with the aspiration of the founder.

“There is nothing greater than having my own training center. With the training center, I can impart my knowledge to all for as long as I like”.








There is nothing greater than having my own training center. With the training center, I can impart my knowledge to all for as long as I like.

- Hj.Othman



Leading the Way in Customer Satisfaction


We believe our primary responsibility is meeting customer’s satisfaction by delivering dependable quality service consistently throughout the nation. We are committed to ensure that our team members have best resources, work environment ad latest technology in the industry. For ultimate success, we strive to conduct our operation prudently to assure the company profit and growth.


To stay ahead of its competitors and to become a leader in M&E Works and Services in Malaysia and aspires to contribute in setting standards for this industry.


To give Quality Guarantee to every assignment in Installation and Maintenance of Mechanical & Electrical Services as per customer requirement at all times through continuous improvement towards Quality Management System.


Our People & Expertise

Quality service depends on the caliber of the people. At Service Master, we continuously foster an environment and create opportunities conducive to our peoples' technical and personal advancement, dedication to work and loyalty to the company.

Our people is our greatest asset. Over the years, we have built up a happy team that forms our reservoir of accumulated resources - a reservoir of knowledge and experience in the various technical disciplines, a reservoir of professional dedication to rendering service.

We continuously strive for customer satisfaction through quality service - "SERVICE WITH A MASTER TOUCH".

In addition to the attached list, we have more than 50 full-time technicians and apprentices, who, in line with Service Master's philosophy, are continuously exposed to both on-the job and off-the job training to meet job demands and customer expectations.

The following are Curriculum Vitae of some of our people.


Hj Othman Sulong


Our late founder, Othman Sulong received his Teaching Certificate from Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia and was a teacher in air-conditioning for approximately 10 years. He is also on the Board of Examiners of MLVK and was appointed as ‘Country Expert’ in Air Conditioning by Jabatan Kerja Raya in 1996. In 1999 he was also appointed as Committee Member to Construction Industry Skill Standard for CIDB

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Khairil Faizal B Hj Othman

Managing Director

Khairil Faizal, a Director of Service Master (M) Sdn Bhd since 2002 who graduated in Business Study from a local college.

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